vendredi 11 décembre 2015

#CoverReveal : #BeautifulBoss is here!

#‎CoverReveal‬ Will & Hanna are back! The purple background is life. Thank you Christina Lauren & Gallery Books ! You guys did an awesome job! I LOVE IT !! Excited to read ‪#‎BeautifulBoss‬ out Feb, 29th 2016! Do you like it as much as I do?

Here is the synopsis:
One Player tamed. One nerd girl satisfied. And one more major life decision to make. When Will fell for Hanna, her quirky sense of humor and fierce dedication to her career were part of the attraction. (Not to mention her coy newbie attitude toward sex and her willingness to let him teach her everything.) But when the job offers start rolling in for her—and oh, they do—Hanna has trouble deciding what she wants, where they should live, and how much she should burden Will with the decision. Magic between the sheets is only one part of a relationship...getting on the same page is quite another altogether.

Voici la couverture du nouveau livre de Christina Lauren #BeautifulBoss qui paraîtra normalement en Mars 2016 en France chez Hugo New Romance :) Will Sumner et Hanna Bergstrom (future Mme Sumner) sont de retour ? Vous avez hâte de les retrouver ? Vous aimez la couverture violette ?
N'oubliez pas notre concours pour Noël qui vous permet de gagner une des deux séries : ‪#‎Beautiful‬ ou ‪#‎WildSeasons‬ donc n'hésitez pas à y participer ! C'est ici :

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